Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leadership and Self Deception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership and Self Deception - Essay Example According to Warner (2002), individuals who are in a state of self deception normally live and work as if they are trapped inside a box. Consequently, they remain in the same position and experience minimal or no change. According to Warner (2002), there is a solution to self deception and most individuals in leadership positions can always work towards solving it. People find the knowledge of self deception very liberating since it increases happiness and satisfaction, enlivens the desire for team work, increases accountability, sharpens vision, reduces feelings of conflict and magnifies the capacity to achieve results. Self deception therefore appears to enclose many good attributes in an individual. It is therefore important that individuals are enlightened on it for purposes of liberation. According to Arbingel Institute (2002), self betrayal on the other hand occurs as a result of being insincere on what you know is the right thing to do. In most cases, people tend to rationalize and justify their actions when they don't want to do what is considered as right so as to protect their egos. This results to transference of one's blame unto others as well as considering them as hindering objects. Self betrayal is very common among individuals in the society and results to interpersonal problems either at home or school. In reference to chapter one-Bud, it a... Consequently, they focus on giving their best in order to benefit the company and their fellow workers. The tricky thing that comes in is that their motivation is normally flawed; deceiving others into subtle ways and making them think that they are the right ones for the right reason. Self justification then becomes such an ingrained habit that it becomes hard to break free of it. The box The authors of the book have created a hypothetical situation whereby Tom Callum, a recently hired senior executive is settling into his new duties at Zagrum Company. It comes as a surprise to him when he realizes that part of his orientation involves identification of the box. The box has been used as a metaphor implying an enclosure and captivity. It also resembles apparel and people carry it wherever they go irrespective of the circumstance. In most instances, people create boundaries which normally limit their potential and eventually end up as failures. Confusion as a result of other's opinion Tom's conversation with the fellow workers as he sought to know what the meeting between him and Bud was all about portrays a clear picture of self betrayal among the workers since they were all insincere and did not give the right answer. Instead their explanations ended up confusing Tom. The confusion came about due to numerous opinions from different people. Their self betrayal resulted into self deception. Self deception in reference to one's performance On his way, to meet Bud, Tom reviewed his performance in Zagrum and he was quite sure that he was on the right track since he always arrived early for work and left very late in the evening. He did all that so as to outshine his fellow coworkers and compete for the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Indian Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Indian Business Environment Essay Abstract One of the major objectives of Indian banking sector reforms was to encourage operational self-sufficiency, flexibility and competition in the system and to increase the banking standards in India to the international best practices. The second phase of reforms began in 1997 with aim to reorganization measures, human capital development, technological up-gradation, structural development which helped them for achieving universal benchmarks in terms of prudential norms and pre-eminent practices. This paper seeks to determine the impact of various market and regulatory initiatives on efficiency improvements of Indian banks. Efficiency of firm is measured in terms of its relative performance that is, efficiency of a firm relative to the efficiencies of firms in a sample. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has used to identify banks that are on the output frontier given the various inputs at their disposal. The present study is confined only to the Constant-Return-to-Scale (CRS) assumption of decision making units (DMUs). Variable returns to scale (VRS) assumption for estimating the efficiency was not attempted. It was found from the results that national banks, new private banks and foreign banks have showed high efficiency over a period time than remaining banks. II. Reforms and Banking system In the post liberalization-era, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has initiated quite a few measures to ensure safety and consistency of the banking system in the country and at the same point in time to support banks to play an effective role in accelerating the economic growth process. One of the major objectives of Indian banking sector reforms was to encourage operational self-sufficiency, flexibility and competition in the system and to increase the banking standards in India to the international best practices 4. Although the Indian banks have contributed much in the Indian economy, certain weaknesses, i.e. turn down in efficiency and erosion in profitability had developed in the system, observance in view these conditions, the Committee on Financial System(CFS) was lay down. Reserve Bank of India has implemented banking sector reforms in two phases. The first reform focused on introduction of several prudential norms, major changes in the policy framework, and formation of competiti ve atmosphere. The second phase of reforms began in 1997 with aim to reorganization measures, human capital development, technological up-gradation, structural development which helped them for achieving universal benchmarks in terms of prudential norms and pre-eminent practices. The Financial sector reforms were undertaken in 1992 based on the recommendations of the CFS. Later, The Narsimham Committee has provided the proposal for reforming the financial sector. The committee also argued that ‘economic reforms in the real sector of economy will, however, fail to realize their full potential without a parallel reform of the financial sector. It focused on several issues like, releasing of more funds to banks, deregulation in interest rates, capital adequacy, income recognition, disclosures and transparency norms etc. However, financial sector reforms focused on improving the competitive efficiency of the banking system. The financial reform process has commenced since 1991 which was made the banking sector healthy, sound, well- capitalized and become competitive. The competitive pressures to improve efficiency in the banking sector has resulted in a switch from traditional paper based banking to electronic banking, use information technology and shift of emphasis from brick and mortar banking to use of ATMs. INDIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN BANKING INDUSTRY Indian banking industry, the backbone of the country’s economy, has always played a key role in prevention the economic catastrophe from reaching terrible volume in the country. It has achieved enormous appreciation for its strength, particularly in the wake of the worldwide economic disasters, which pressed its worldwide counterparts to the edge of fall down. If we compare the business of top three banks in total assets and in terms of return on assets, the Indian banking system is among the healthier performers in the world. This sector is tremendously competitive and recorded as growing in the right trend (Ram Mohan, 2008). Indian banking industry has increased its total assets more than five times between March 2000 aThe overall development has been lucrative with enhancement in banking industry efficiency and productivity. It should be underlined here is financial turmoil which hit the western economies in 2008 and the distress effect widened to the majority of the other countries but Indian banking system survived with the distress and showed the stable performance. Indian banks have remained flexible even throughout the height of the sub-prime catastrophe and the subsequent financial turmoil. The Indian banking industry is measured as a flourishing and the secure in the banking world. The country’s economy growth rate by over 9 percent since last several years and that has made it regarded as the next economic power in the worldnd March 2010, The Indian banking industry is measured as a flourishing and the secure in the banking world. The country’s economy growth rate by over 9 percent since last several years and that has made it regarded as the next economic power in the world. Our banking industry is a mixture of public, private and foreign ownerships. The major dominance of commercial banks can be easily found in Indian banking, although the co-operative and regional rural banks have little business segmentIn the post liberalization-era, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has initiated quite a few measures to ensure safety and consis tency of the banking system in the country and at the same point in time to support banks to play an effective role in accelerating the economic growth process. One of the major objectives of Indian banking sector reforms was to encourage operational self-sufficiency, flexibility and competition in the system and to increase the banking standards in India to the international best practices. Although the Indian banks have contributed much in the Indian economy, certain weaknesses, i.e. turn down in efficiency and erosion in profitability had developed in the system, observance in view these conditions, the Committee on Financial System. Reserve Bank of India has implemented banking sector reforms in two phases. The first reform focused on introduction of several prudential norms, major changes in the policy framework, and formation of competitive atmosphere. The second phase of reforms began in 1997 with aim to reorganization measures, human capital development, technological up-gradation, structural development which helped them for achieving universal benchmarks in terms of prudential norms and pre-eminent practices. The Financial sector reforms were undertaken in 1992 based on the recommendations of the CFS. Later, The Narsimham Committee has provided the proposal for reforming the financial sector. The committee also argued that ‘economic reforms in the real sector of economy will, however, fail to realize their full potential without a parallel reform of the financial sector. It focused on several issues like, releasing of more funds to banks, deregulation in interest rates, capital adequacy, income recognition, disclosures and transparency norms etc. However, financial sector reforms focused on improving the competitive efficiency of the banking system. The financial reform process has commenced since 1991 which was made the banking sector healthy, sound, well- capitalized and become competitive. (CFS) was lay down. Liberalisation of India’s banking sector †¢ Liberalisation of India’s banking sector begun since 1992, following the Narasimhan Committee’s Report (December 1991) †¢ Important recommendations of the Committee were – [i] reduction of statutory pre-emptions (SLR and CRR) [ii] deregulation of the interest rates [iii] opening up the sector to foreign and domestic private banks [iv] adoption of prudential regulations relating to capital adequacy, asset classiï ¬ cation and provisioning standards Service firms such as ITC Hotels and ANZ Grindlays Bank found direct marketing very effective in retailing customers and weathering competition. †¢ The Indian banking system is growing in a robust manner. †¢ The Indian banking system complies with international standards of prudential regulation. †¢ The Indian banking system is opening up for entry of foreign banks. †¢ Despite the growth, Indian banking system is not entirely inclusive. †¢ There is good opportunities for the banking industry – domestic and foreign – for expansion to ï ¬ ll the gap. A decade after the Narasimham report was published and in the light of new challenges from the norms laid down by the WTO and Basel II, it is imperative to have a close look at the performance of banks in the last decade or so to assess the success of the reform process. INDIA inherited a very weak banking system following Independence. However, the nationalisation programme (1969) helped this sector achieve remarkable success in many respects. The stability among depositors, penetration into rural India and the consequent reduction in poverty and diversification out of agriculture were some of its laudable achievements. Given the predominantly bank based nature of financial system, the banking industry gained the reputation of one of the most protected in the country. However, in the 1990s a chain of events such as introduction of modern technologies, competition from new players in the liberalised market place, and enhanced emphasis on governance to protect shareholder interest changed the way banks conducted business. The Indian banking sector with its diversity of ownerships — State Bank of India and its associates, nationalised banks, private domestic banks and foreign banks also faced a similar set of challenges. Although the public sector banks acquired a dominant presence thanks to the regulatory environment, several of them performed poorly in the late 1980s. To preserve the soundness of the financial system, especially the banking segment, the Government set up the Narasimham Committee. The Committee (in 1991) made far-reaching recommendations that formed the basis of banking reforms. Some of the comprehensive reform measures suggested included: Stricter income recognition and asset classification, higher capital adequacy ratio, phased deregulation of interest rate, lowering statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) and cash reserve ratio (CRR), entry deregulation, and branch-de-licensing. These measures mainly aim to improve the efficiency/profitability of banking industry. A decade and half after the Narasimham report was published and in the light of the World Trade Organisation and Basel II norms, it is imperative to have a close look at the performance of banks in the last decade or so to assess the success of the reform process. Performance indicators Commonly-used measures to assess the performance of the banking industry are: Return on Asset (ROA), Operating Profit Ratio (OPR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Operating Cost Ratio (OCR) and Staff Expenditure Ratio (SER). The first two are generally considered profitability measures, while the others, the efficiency indices. These five measures have been considered in this analysis for two sub-periods: Pre-liberalisation (1992-1995) and post-liberalisation (2000-2003). The total number of banks considered for two sub-periods were 64 (eight State Banks, 19 nationalised banks, 19 private banks and 18 foreign banks) and 87 (8, 19, 28 and 32 respectively). Overall performance improvement A comparison of performance indices during the study period reveals that the reform measures helped to improve the overall performance of industry. This is reflected in the improvement of all performance indicators barring the net interest margin (see Table). Interestingly, the ROA, treated as a proxy for risk-adjusted return, increased from (-) 0.28 per cent in the pre-liberalisation period to 0.79 per cent (against more than 1 per cent in other merging markets such as Singapore, Malaysia and Korea) post-liberalisation, indicating a significant rise in the ability of banks to convert their assets into net earnings. Another interesting aspect is that despite a marginal fall in the net interest margin from 2.84 to 2.73 (which might be due to policy change), the banking industry has managed to improve its OPR by increasing its non-interest fee-based income and reducing its operating costs/staff expenses. The evidence indicates that after the reform initiation period, the banks have increasingly been providing off balance sheet items such as derivatives, which generate major part of non-interest income. The proportion of operating costs/staff expenses has declined mainly due to computerisation and the voluntary retirement scheme. The property rights theorists believe that the private banks are more efficient than their counterparts in the public sector. This view is corroborated by the public choice theorists who argue that the specific X inefficiency factors are more prevalent in the public sector, irrespective of market conditions. Further, many cross-country findings report an increased government ownership as a deterrent to the development of the banking system. The Indian banking scenario seems to be consistent with the above, as the privately owned (foreign as well as domestic) banks seem to be superior to their public counter parts with respect to all performance indicators except the NIM. Despite a fall in their OPR and NIM between 1992-95 and 2000-03, the private banks successfully managed to reduce their operating expenditures, particularly the staff expenditures, thereby successfully maintaining their status. Among private banks, the foreign banks seem to be superior in terms of three out of five the criteria used. Within the public domain, the State Banks tend to be superior with respect to ROA, OCR and SER, while the nationalised banks seem to show better performance in terms of OPR and NIM. Thus, although there is a significant improvement in the overall performance of banks as one moves from the post-reform period to the late-reform period, one finds certain anomalies such as a fall in the NIM (except in the case of the nationalised banks), a fall in the ROA of private domestic banks, a reduction in the OPR of private domestic and foreign banks and a rise in the OCR/SER of foreign banks. Convergence or divergence Apart from the overall improvement across the board, another important criterion to evaluate the success story is to check whether the competitive force has led to any convergence in the performance of different ownership groups in the post-liberalisation period. Exposure to the competitive forces is often argued as a panacea to shake poorly performing banks out of their slumber. Although the public banks compared poorly with private banks during the initial period, they made a significant improvement in the later period by responding well to the new challenges of competition and consolidation, mostly following a gradual and cautious approach. The pay off is well reflected in the increase in their ROA, OPR and NIM. Some possible reasons for the better performance of public banks could be they still undertake most of the government borrowing programmes, thereby generating significant fee based income; the market discipline imposed by the listing of most public sector banks has also probably contributed to this improved performance; and ï‚ · the reform measures have changed their business strategies particularly greater diversification of non-fund based business and emergence of treasury and foreign exchange business. The study reveals that the OPR across four ownership groups tend to converge. The NIM tend to converge across private and public sectors while the OCR continues to remain significantly different across ownership groups. The above analyses indicate that the banking sector performs reasonably well with respect to the goals set by the Narasimham Committee, particularly in the context of the poorly performing banks and showing some encouraging signs to meet the Basel II norms by 2006. However, one should not go over board in reading these numbers to evaluate the success of the Indian banking sector, particularly from the perspective of a developing economy such as ours. Policy-makers should be extra cautious in giving free a reign to the banking sector in pursuing profit and risk based strategies. Recent trends in non-synergy based consolidation, growing disinclination to lend money towards productive purposes and to the unprofitable sectors such as agriculture, self-help groups, infrastructure and to small and medium sized enterprises, its growing engagement in non-productive treasury operations and conspicuous consumer lending will seriously impair the role of banks as public instruments of development. Therefore, maintaining a balance between these two objectives will remain a challenge to the banking sector for some time to come. Bibliography- * * *

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Actions Of The Government And The Increase In Prices :: essays research papers

Actions of the Government and The Increase in Prices   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States economy is currently producing at a level of full employment in long-run equilibrium. The government then decides to increase taxes and to reduce government spending in an effort to balance the budget. The results of the actions taken by the government is the decrease of real GDP. When taxes are increased that the amount of disposable income that is available to consumers is lowered. This lowered level of disposable income leads to a decrease in consumption spending as well as a decrease in savings. This decrease in consumer and government spending causes the total spending to decrease by a multiplied amount, As a result of the decrease in total spending the aggregate demand decreases and the aggregate demand curve shifts to the left. This decrease in consumer and government spending also causes businesses to have a surplus of inventories. At this point the output is greater than spending and as a result prices begin to fall. Because of the surplus of goods and falling prices consumption becomes more desirable to consumers and the level of consumer spending rises. The fall in prices causes business to become less profitable and producers decrease the level of production. This results in the decrease of the aggregate quantity supplied to decrease. This continues until aggregate quantity demanded equal the aggregate quantity supplied and a period of short- run equilibrium is established. The real GDP and the price level have both decreased from the original long-run equilibrium level and the economy is operating under the full employment level. At this point the U.S. economy is at a recessionary gap and a monetary policy must be used to pull the economy from the current recession.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three options that the Federal Reserve has to try and end the current recession. The federal funds rate could be lowered, the discount to banks could be lowered, or open market operations could be used. The most effective of these three options is the use of expansionary monetary policy through open market operations. The first step in this option is for the Federal Reserve to start to purchase bonds from consumers. As the Federal Reserve begins to buy these bonds back the bond prices are increased to make the selling of these bonds more attractive to consumers. When the Federal Reserve purchases a bond from a consumer a check is issued to the seller for the agreed price. This higher bond prices also lowers interest rates. The seller then deposits this check into his/her bank. This action increases deposits in the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Principles of Physical Security Essay

Physical security is the wide phenomena that are taken for the prevention or determent of attackers from a possible access of a resource, information that is stored within physical media and facilities. Physical security is viewed under three fundamental aspects. These are; †¢ Responding adequately to the measures of security that would repel or catch the possible attackers in the event of detection. †¢ Using gadgets and implements that are forthwith important in the control of secure atmosphere. This could include cameras, security lighting and use of alarms, patrols by security guards that provide easy noticing of attacks. †¢ Facilitation of obstacles that are aimed at frustrating any possible attackers and delaying the serious security cases. A proper set of security designs has the compliment of all these structures that work cohesively with one another. A good physical security design is a compliment of four important factors which are intrusion detection, electronic and mechanical access controls, environmental design and video monitoring. Physical security is based on various principles that are applied to solve various security concerns at varied depths. (Walter, 1997). These include; Building security:   Buildings are the source of residence for human beings. However, their structural planning and establishments is compromised by various security threat factors that make the life of those living in them unsafe. Building security therefore implies all the fundamental components of architectural and construction concerns that make buildings safe places for living and hostage. It is the compound of all structures that provide authenticity in the physical structures that provides the safest levels for the habitation. The guarantee for this security is well accorded during the designing phase of the building. The aspect of this security is inclusive of both the internal and the external environments that are occupied by the building. The physical structure of the building should be designed in the most appropriate manner that provides the highest levels of security measures for its inhabitants. It should include a coordinated design in the roofs, walls outlet such as doors, windows and locks (Donald, 1997) Ground security: This is the protective aspect that is attached to airports and its surrounding environment. It includes all aspects that are attached to the physical structure of an airport that makes it a safe place for the various activities that goes on within their contemporaries. It incorporates adequate placement of the structures such as runways, surveillance services, communication systems and all aspects that are endowed within the structures of an airport. Due to the delicacy of the airport operations, high importance should be attached in the highest levels of security for the activities and processes of the airport (Azari, 2003) Access control systems: These are systems of control that are applied in securing adequate security towards information and other facets of information systems. This is the provisions of providing the legitimate users with the principles with which they should apply in assessing stored data. Information is deemed as an essential aspect and a resource aspect within any organization. Access control systems should therefore address the fundamentals with which the information should be mined, shared and made into use. Improper and illegitimate use of data and information may lead to comparative disadvantages for the organization. Improper and inappropriate use of information is subject to huge loses to an organization through misuse of the data and information that leaves the organization at a competitive disadvantage when its information is used by its competitors to develop business strengths. Importantly, the aspects of corporate intelligence as well as industrial espionage are two important aspects that define the rationality for data security. The current business environment and the expanding technological advancement have seen this process fully acknowledged. Various tools have been used to safeguard the organization information and their respective systems. Substantially therefore, physical security on information and their systems remains implicit for the success of the organization (Harold, 2003) Perimeter security: This is the broad components of techniques and methods that are used in providing an outer bounder security of premises. This is essential in preventing possible access of unauthorized persons within the premises. These may keep off trespassers, thieves, unauthorized persons and others persons. It can be secured using physically constructed walls and fences. Perimeter security is made to advance the most optimal security prospects that would help to safeguard the internal structures that are endowed within premises. Perimeter security should be advanced therefore as protective measures that safeguard the internal prospects of the premises. Technological advances security: This is the security protection for innovations, technological advancements, designs and process improvements. This should be protected to avoid losses through comparative disadvantages occurring form business competitors. It includes intellectual property security that can be provided through trademarks. Innovations come as the process of advancement in specific lines of production and manufacturing or personal production of his/her intellectual work. Security on these productions providing the environment with which the producer or the copyright owners can be safeguarded form any possible activities of misuse of the product that may make the profit motive of the technology to be unmet. (Peter, 2000)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

People’s Republic of China Essay

Mainland China is rooted in more than 4,000 years of rich Chinese cultures and history. It’s known for their lives, travel, history, business and food, their people and customs. Traditional Kung Fu is as much of the culture of china according to statistics. The Chinese people have shared a common culture longer than any other groups on earth. China is one of the cradles of the human race. For thousands of years the culture of china has attract and moved many people from all over the world, being so unique and one-of-a-kind as well as elegant and inspiring. The Chinese culture, a culture that has evolved for thousands and thousands of years contains rare beauty and enchanted with history variously as an ancient civilization extending over a large area in East Asia. [pic] In order to effectively examine China we need to first understand what their culture is about. Culture is defined as â€Å"society’s shared and socially transmitted its ideas, values, and perceptions, which are used to make sense of experience and which generate behavior that is reflected in that behavior†. There are five major characteristics of culture, they are that; Culture is shared, â€Å"one shared element found in all cultures is an understanding in regard to gender roles, which are the roles a particular culture assigns to men and women†. The second characteristic is â€Å"Culture is learned, not biologically inherited. The process whereby culture is passed from one generation to the next. The third is â€Å"symbols. Much of human behavior is mediated by symbols—signs, sounds, emblems, and other things that represent meaningful concepts. † The forth is that â€Å"Culture is integrated. The foundation of culture includes three structural elements that work together to keep the culture strong: An infrastructure provides the basic necessities of life, a social structure determines how people interact with one another, and a superstructure, or worldview, provides a belief system that helps people identify themselves, their society, and the world around them. † Lastly, â€Å"Culture is dynamic. Chinese arts and crafts, including painting, calligraphy, operas and silk. During these four or five thousand years of development, china mainly live on the five common cereals and vegetables and added by a small supply of meat which is radiated to the advance of culinary skills and early civilization of the country. When one element within the system shifts, the entire system shifts to accommodate it. † East Asian cultures have many similarities in religious beliefs, family social networks, diet and education. Modern China differs greatly in government. They have maintained a communist state and resisted Westernization. This is not the case with the rest of the Far East. Western culture appears to be a driving force behind most of modern East Asian culture. [pic] China has a very diverse geographical and urban landscape. Within China’s borders lies the tallest peak in the world, Mount Everest, it is just one of many mountains that make up the Himalayan mountain range in the northern region of China. China also boasts the third longest river in the world with South China’s Yangtze River which is approximately 3,400 miles long. China has over 8,700 miles of coastline, and has many plains and valleys throughout its nearly 12,400 square miles of frontier land. The vast landscape has dwellings that vary anywhere from small villages to large cities and metropolitan areas. China also has one of the largest man-made structures in the world, the Great wall; it is so large that it is visible from outer space. â€Å"In terms of climate, China may be divided between the humid eastern region and the dry west. The humid east can be further subdivided between the warm and humid south and southeast and the temperate-to-cool, moderately humid north and northeast. Much of the humid eastern region of China exhibits a monsoonal pattern of temperature and precipitation. In a monsoon climate, the warm summer months are typically the months of maximum precipitation. † China’s population exceeds 1 billion, â€Å"more than 500 million people live in and around cities in China, according to the 1990 census. There are more urban dwellers in China than are found in either the United States or Russia. Some of the cities are quite large. Shanghai, for example, has more than 7 million people; Beijing has more than 6 million, and Tianjin more than 5 million. Many cities have more than 1 million people each. † (Compton’s Living Encyclopedia) China’s cities are expanding rapidly. The government is attempting to regulate urban growth in order to avoid such problems as congestion, overcrowding, slum development, and unemployment. China’s government is a People’s Republic; the main organs of the government are under Communist party control. The head of state in China is the â€Å"Premier†. The population of China is and has been a strain on the countries resources; because of this the government has interjected itself into the people’s family planning. â€Å"China’s family planning policy combines government guidance with the wishes of the masses. The basic requirements of family planning are late marriages and late child-bearing, so as to have fewer, but healthier, babies, especially one child per couple. But a flexible family planning policy is adopted for rural people and ethnic minorities; in rural areas, couples may have second baby in exceptional cases, but must wait several years after the birth of the first child. † Chinese people have the tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. Though many young couples do not live with their parents, they maintain close contact with them. Grown up children have the duty to support and help their parents. The Chinese people attach great importance to relations between family members and relatives, and cherish their parents, children, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and other relatives. Communication among the people of China can be challenging due to the numerous written and spoken languages of the country. â€Å"The Han people have their own spoken and written language. Chinese belongs to the Han-Tibetan language family. It is the most commonly used language in China, and one of the most commonly used languages in the world. All of China’s 55 minority people have their own languages, except the Hui and Manchu, who use Chinese; 23 of these have a written form. † Economically China has changed considerably since it became a communist state in 1949, since the founding of New China, especially in the 20 years after the start of reform and opening to the outside world in 1978. China has made great achievements in economic construction and social development. China instituted multiple financial plans that has allowed for outward economic growth and modernization. â€Å" There are three major religious in china; Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, although Confucianism is a school of philosophy than a religion, some turn to Taoism when they find themselves frustrated and many turn to Buddhism even if they never read the sutures beliefs. Chinese people do not have a strong religious inclination but despite this the three main faiths. China is proud of the many people, The Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Tatar, Ozbek, Tajik, Dongxiang, Salar, and Bonan people adhere to Islam; the Tibetan Buddhism, and the Dai, Blang and Deang to Theravada Buddhism. † Buddhism was first introduced to China from India in the first century A. D. , becoming increasingly popular after the fourth century. Tibetan Buddhism, or Lamaism as it is sometimes called, is found primarily in Tibet and Inner Mongolia. War and the military have been a central role in the shaping of modern Chinese history; armed struggle has played an important part. â€Å"The majority of China’s imperial dynasties rose and fell due to success or defeat upon the battlefield. The 20th century saw the conflict between Nationalist and Communist forces that resulted in today’s divided China: the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan. It also witnessed China’s intervention in the Korean War and border clashes with its neighbors India, the Soviet Union, and Vietnam. † (Worthing) Many factors have led to the perceived military threat known as China. These factors have figured decisively in the rise and fall of imperial dynasties, the suppression of internal revolts, the emergence of revolutionary movements, and the conduct of China’s foreign relations, the development of political parties, the structure of governments, the rise of nationalism and the drive for modernization, all of which have driven the worlds perception of China emerging as a 21st-century military and economic power. China’s past has aided in shaping much of the countries core values, but economically a western view on commerce and technology has been adapted. China’s determination to do all outward dealing on their own terms has allowed them to be a major player in the world marketplace. China is self sufficient and goal oriented. They are a country diverse in belief systems yet this does not appear to affect the people’s sense of nationalism. China is a superpower that no country should overlook. The Chinese culture is solely based on the necessities of ancient Chinese culture. Which are: food, clothing, housing, transportation and, education. These elements are the foundations that make up their society, tradition and beliefs. Their beliefs, not only help shape their economic climate, it also influenced their military. China has the longest period of continuous development of military culture of any civilization in world history. China also had one of the most powerful and advanced military for almost 2000 years until the eighteenth century. One of the greatest influences of military thought was the book â€Å"The Art of War† by Sun Tzu’s. Of course a lot has changed since the 18th century. The China’s modern military share some of the same values of U. S. military. The 3 main beliefs, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism still play a major role in their decision making process. However, similar to the U. S. politics plays a major role overall. If we were to come in contact with any Chinese forces we must remember what is sacred to them. While most of us place value on religion from a â€Å"supernatural force†. The Chinese listen and respect their elders for wisdom and guidance. Here is a chart that shows you the difference between Chinese cultures vs. American culture: | |Chinese |Americans | |Conception Of the Self |Collectivist: Higher value placed on group|Individualist: Higher value placed on | | |cooperation and individual modesty. |self-reliance. Self-promotion is more | | | |accepted. High value placed on â€Å"freedom† | | | |from externally imposed constraints. | |Social Relationships |Formal, hierarchical. People most |Informal, egalitarian. People most | | |comfortable in the presence of a hierarchy|comfortable with their social equals; | | |in which they know their position and the |importance of social rankings minimized. | | |customs/rules for behavior in the | | | |situation. | | |Friendship |Small numbers of close, lifelong friends |Large collection of â€Å"friends† and | | |who feel deeply obligated to give each |acquaintances which changes over time and | | |other whatever help might seem required. |involves only limited mutual obligations. | |Obligation |Relationships with other people involve |People avoid interdependent relationships | | |reciprocal obligations. |and situations that might entail long-term | | | |obligations. | |Task vs. Relationship |Relationship-oriented: Maintaining a |Task-oriented. Relationships are less | |Orientation |harmonious relationship has priority over |important than getting the work done. | | |accomplishing tasks. | | |Harmony vs. |Avoid direct confrontation, open |Willing to confront directly, criticize, | |†Truth† |criticism, and controversial topics. |discuss controversial topics, and press | | |Concern maintaining harmony and with |personal opinions about what they consider | | |†face. † |†the truth. Little concern with â€Å"face. † | |Role of laws, rules, and |More faith in personal relationships than |Written rules presumably apply to everyone | |regulations |in written rules and procedures for |and are assumed to produce fair, reasonable| | |structuring interactions. |procedures and decisions. | |Time Consciousness |Relatively more attention to the past and |Less interested in the past; eye on | | |to the longer-term future. |near-term future. | |Ascribed vs. Achieved |Traditionally, a person’s status in the |People’s status is based mainly on their | |Status |society was based importantly on inherited|own achievements, including education | | |characteristics such as age, gender, and |obtained and level of success realized in | | |family. This is changing. |their line of work. | In order for America to be successful we must consider our differences and find a common ground. Knowing that there is a cultural gap can and will affect unit operations but we can and will be successful if we understand that we do not live in this world alone.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Family Example

Family Example Family – Coursework Example Family The map indicated that prior to the World War II, the number of households that included married-couple families in the United States added up to 75 percent. Families of married couple with children took up 43 percent while families of married couples without children took up 33 percent. The single parent families were 4 percent of all households while other types of family households represented 9 percent. 10 percent were non family households that were most families of persons living alone. Beginning of 1960, after the Word War II, a change was experienced whereby married couples families with children increased to 44 percent while the percentage of married couple families without children went down to 31 percent (Lerner et al. 67).After a period of twenty years, there was a significant change in household structure. There was a drop in the share of family households to 74 percent. The percentage share of nonfamily households went up to 26 percent while married couples witho ut children went down to 31 percent. The one-person household increased by 10 percent. The transformation of the household structure has continued. There has been a significant decrease in married couples with children while the percentage representation of cohabiting couples. The one-person households have also increased. These changes are assumed to have occurred within the key driving social processes that include divorce, marriage, and marital or no marital childbearing. With response to the changing economic conditions, social norms, and the US law governing marriage, people have experienced some challenges in capturing the new family forms (Lerner et al. 77).Work citedLerner, Richard M, Elizabeth E. Sparks, and Laurie D. MacCubbin. Family Diversity and Family Policy: Strengthening Families for Americas Children. Boston [u.a.: Kluwer Acad. Publ, 1999. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ex Convict And Alcoholic Analysis Social Work Essay Essays

Ex Convict And Alcoholic Analysis Social Work Essay Essays Ex Convict And Alcoholic Analysis Social Work Essay Essay Ex Convict And Alcoholic Analysis Social Work Essay Essay This assignment takes up the survey and analysis of Malcolm. An ex-convict with an intoxicant dependence record, Malcolm has late been released, after a long stay, from prison. Presently shacking in a inn for ex-offenders, Malcolm is expecting the allocation of a local authorization flat. Malcolm has been referred to societal services by the inn staff. The complete instance survey is detailed in the appendix. Much of Malcolm s jobs with intoxicant have contributed to his condemnable activity in the yesteryear. However, he has been alcohol free during his long prison sentence and has non resumed imbibing since his release. Malcolm still continues to smoke and in a recent incident about started a fire in the inn when he fell asleep with a lit coffin nail. In add-on to limited mobility, due to arthritis of the articulatio genuss, Malcolm appears to be disoriented, unable to do coherent determinations and organize his life. He seems loath to do societal contact and has refused all efforts to take part in a local tiffin nine or even help of the dial-a-ride community conveyance strategy. His lone household contact is a boy life in Spain, whom he meets twice a twelvemonth. This survey takes up the analysis of the instance survey on Malcolm from the position of societal work theory and pattern applications in appraisal and planning, with specific attending to person-centric and anti-discriminatory attack to pattern. The survey is structured into two parts, each of which trades with a specific societal work method. The first portion trades with the appraisal of Malcolm s instance and the 2nd portion trades with planning of interventional activities. Role of Social Work Theory in Understanding Service Users Social work is basically concerned with the changeless combating of subjugation and favoritism that exists within society and is normally directed towards disadvantaged sections ( Davies, 2008, p 20-25 ) . Social work theory plays a important function in understanding service users from the position of their age, gender, civilization, spiritual and socio-economic backgrounds ( Payne, 2005, p 10-12 ) . The function of societal work theory is important in understanding the fortunes of the service user. Social work theory employs the eclectic usage of theories and legitimises the usage of a wider scope of subjects ( Payne, 2005, p 10-18 ) .Because every state of affairs is different, societal workers must believe laterally and creatively to turn to the demands of their service users, using theories known to them at any given clip whilst being guided by professional values and codifications of behavior ( Payne, 2005, p 10-18 ) . Whilst traditional societal work theory established sociolo gy as a scientific discipline, modern twenty-four hours societal work theory emphasises the importance of subjectiveness, moralss and societal justness with a person-centred attack ( Payne, 2005, p 10-18 ) . Appraisal Assessment, planning and intercession are indispensable elements of modern-day societal work pattern ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 20-30 ) . Each of these methods constitute critical elements of societal work pattern that purpose to ( a ) set up the existent province of vulnerable people, both immature and old, who are in demand and to ( B ) program and present necessary societal and wellness attention services in order to heighten their societal or economic fortunes ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 20-30 ) . Malcolm s instance is a cause for serious concern as he suffers from chronic physical and mental wellness jobs originating from prolonged intoxicant maltreatment. A careful appraisal of Malcolm s instance will help in explicating suited programs for intercession. Malcolm is 73 twelvemonth old ex-convict and ex-alcoholic. Much of his condemnable activities in the yesteryear have been attributed to his dependence on intoxicant and he has spent a major portion of his life in prison. Several physical, psychological and societal jobs can attest themselves in drawn-out intoxicant maltreatment ( Connors, et Al, 2004, p 35-42 ) . Some manifestations include assorted wellness jobs like liver cirrhosis, ictuss, backdown from societal activities, devaluation of personal and work relationships, battle in condemnable activities and troubles in executing at work or at place ( Connors, et Al, 2004, p 35-42 ) . The UK has a important aged population ( Department of Health, 2005, p 80-96 ) . Alcohol maltreatment upsets amongst the aged are common, but tend to be ignored, as compared to other physical and mental wellness issues ( Connors, et Al, 2004, p 35-42 ) . In recent old ages the NHS and societal attention services have been doing commissariats and advancing programmes for the well being of older people, particularly in countries of specific disablements ( Department of Health, 2005, p 80-96 ) . Although Malcolm has abstained from intoxicant during and after his release, he finds it hard to reintegrate himself into chief watercourse society. Unable to bear the societal stigma associated with his yesteryear, he is insulating himself. His long dependence on intoxicant has besides led to a scope of physical and mental challenges ( Connors, et Al, 2004, p 35-42 ) . At important hazard, he is besides prone to accidentally wounding himself and others. The inn Staff has raised concerns that he is exposing marks of terrible depression and isolation, abstaining and retreating from engagement in societal activities and sing troubles in doing consistent determinations. In add-on, his creaky articulatio genuss are restricting his mobility. Besides this, he has no beginning of income or occupation. Bing in the aged age group, this farther compounds his job. Under the fortunes, concerns are raised that Malcolm may non be able to get by on his ain, one time the allocation of his local auth orization level comes through. Recent old ages have witnessed the outgrowth of a person-centred attack to societal work pattern ( Thompson, 2006, p 15-19 ) . The attack emphasises that the positions and sentiments of the service are the most of import elements in the appraisal procedure. Social workers are required to follow anti-discriminatory work patterns by extinguishing societal prejudices and developing a echt empathy for service users challenges ( Thompson, 2006, p 15-19 ) . However, Lena Dominelli ( 2004 ) argues that an nonsubjective person-centred attack to societal work pattern is non possible. Harmonizing to Neil Thompson ( 2006 ) discriminatory attitudes and perceptual experiences in societal work constantly go entrenched due to structural, cultural and personal factors. As a societal worker, I have to be cognizant and sensitive to the fact that persons become victims of intoxicant and substance maltreatment despite contrary purposes. Whilst measuring Malcolm s instance, I will necessitate to set up an emphasized, respectful relationship and follow a person-centred attack ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 20-30 ) . I will necessitate to clear up the intent of societal work, the processs involved and the appraisal and planning procedure ( Davies, 2008, p 35-42 ) . I will besides necessitate to pass on clearly and explicitly his engagement in the complete appraisal procedure and the benefits to be derived from this exercising ( Davies, 2008, p 35-42 ) . I will besides necessitate to guarantee confidentiality and explicate the codification of confidentiality to him ( Davies, 2008, p 35-42 ) . I will besides necessitate to construct a strong and empathic relationship with him and discourse the demand for us to work together with changeless information sharing in order to get the better of his jobs ( Davies, 2008, p 35-42 ) . I will hold to set up the province of Malcolm s mental and physical wellness jobs, his baccy dependence and intoxicant related jobs, his household and societal relationships. My assessment process will affect referral to Malcolm s file ; from ( a ) constabulary and prison records ( B ) general practician s wellness records and medical appraisal ( degree Celsius ) inn staff ( vitamin D ) a personal meeting with Malcolm and, ( vitamin E ) beginning information from Malcolm s boy. I will necessitate to entree his constabulary records to gauge his mental and physical wellness whilst imprisoned, his activities and his relationships with other inmates. Past records from his general practitioner/health worker will enable me to set up the exact province and extent of Malcolm s mental and physical impairment. A fresh medical appraisal would besides be necessary to determine these facets. The inn staff will assist me to find whether Malcolm is a victim of societal stigma and exclusions, his societal backdown, his substance maltreatment and communicating jobs. I will besides necessitate to place Malcolm s personal positions and values, the grounds for his past behavior, with particular respect to alcohol maltreatment and subsequent felon activity and besides the grounds for his present societal backdown, his upbringing and household relationships, his cultural and spiritual background, his instruction, past employment records and the trade or accomplishments that he may hold acquired or possesses. Confirmations from Malcolm s boy will set up the sort of relationship they portion at the minute, their household life in the yesteryear, the sort of parent Malcolm has been and his relationship with boy s female parent. Intervention The chief aim of societal work is to supply aid to fulfill the basic demands and heighten the well being of the service users and to authorise persons who are hapless, laden and vulnerable by effectual intercession ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 38 -41 ) . Intervention programs are taken in coaction with the client and other members of the squad ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 38 -41 ) . In explicating intercession programs, the societal worker must needfully see the service user s cultural, cultural, spiritual, socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Harmonizing to the NASW ( 2005 ) Intervention must include programs for ( a ) damages demands identified in analysis, ( B ) information, mention and instruction, ( degree Celsius ) psychological, fiscal, vocational and educational guidance, ( vitamin E ) psycho-educational support systems and ( degree Fahrenheit ) interdisciplinary public assistance planning. An appraisal of Malcolm s instance highlights the fact that a combination of drawn-out intoxicant maltreatment, mental, physical and societal jobs has put Malcolm at important hazard. To enable Malcolm take a more productive being, particularly after he shifts into independent life quarters, it is necessary that Malcolm is provided with ( a ) equal medical and fiscal aid, ( B ) psychiatric and vocational guidance, ( degree Celsius ) Alcoholic Anonymous referral and ( vitamin D ) aid to incorporate into chief watercourse societal life ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 38 -41 ) . To efficaciously step in in Malcolm s instance, I will hold to assist Malcolm do informed picks. I will besides hold to put up meetings with ( a ) medical practician to measure his physical fittingness, ( B ) psychiatric counsellor/psychologist and ( degree Celsius ) vocational counselor to look into his accomplishments and occupation suitableness ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 38 -41 ) . Since Malcolm is diffident and withdrawn, I will besides hold to assist him organize a web of friends and to acquire a sure friend to attach to him on dial-a-ride or to the local tiffin nine. I will hold to invariably supervise his advancement to guarantee that he complies and reintegrates himself into chief watercourse society ( Parker A ; Bradley, 2007, p 38 -41 ) . I will besides necessitate to inform him of his rights and privileges as a senior citizen under the NHS and societal attention service strategies and programmes, his right to province fiscal aid, senior citizen aid commissions and groups. I will besides necessitate to guarantee that Malcolm is allotted a suited local authorization flat, within the stipulated clip ( National ..2005, p 21-22 ) Whilst appreciating Malcolm s soundness in abstaining from intoxicant for a significant period of clip, I will hold to explicate the necessity of him fall ining self assist groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA ) non merely to forestall a reversal of wont but besides to develop self regard. I have besides taken attention to mention his instance to AA and ensured that they have received the referral. Decision A senior citizen, Malcolm has had a history of intoxicant maltreatment and condemnable activities. Recently released from prison, he is now stays in a inn for ex-offenders. Malcolm has been exposing terrible physical and psychological jobs and is at important hazard. The inn Staff has raised concerns that Malcolm may be unable to populate independently. Social work theory plays an of import function in understanding the fortunes of the service users. In recent old ages, societal work pattern has become more person-centred in attack. However, there are statements that societal work pattern can non be to the full individual centred, as factors of structural, personal and civilizations influences are interwoven into the societal worker s character. As his societal worker, I will hold to measure Malcolm from assorted positions of his past history of substance maltreatment and condemnable activities, personal and household relationships, medical records, personal positions and values, inn staff and boy. In carry oning my appraisal, I will hold to set up an emphasized relationship with Malcolm, whilst being sensitive to the issue of substance maltreatment. I will hold to underscore the demand for us to work together for continual information sharing to get the better of his jobs. I will necessitate to guarantee his confidentiality and besides explain the appraisal processs and intercession programs. Whilst making so, I need to be sensitive to the fact that persons become victims of substance abuse despite contrary purposes. The chief aim of societal work is to supply aid and right the demands of the service user identified in the appraisal. Intervention programs are taken in concurrence with the service user and other members of the squad involved in the appraisal. Whilst explicating intercession for Malcolm, I will necessitate to explicate to him the importance and benefits of re-integrating into chief watercourse society. I will hold to help him to construct a web of friends and help of the installations of dial-a-ride and the local tiffin nine. In add-on I will besides hold to supply him information about assorted ego aid groups like AA, senior citizen groups, commissions and programmes and guarantee that he gets the needed aid from these groups. I would besides hold to inform him of his rights as a senior citizen to assistance under the NHS and societal attention programmes. In add-on, I will hold to guarantee a thorough medical appraisal of his physical and mental wellness is conducted and intercession in footings of medicine and psychiatric guidance are provided and availed of. Vocational appraisal and guidance would besides be provided if Malcolm is seeking employment. The ultimate purpose is to pull Malcolm out of his isolation and depression, supply more productive results for his life and re-integrate him into chief watercourse societal life.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Types of Verb Forms and Functions in English

Types of Verb Forms and Functions in English A book by the A verb is customarily defined as a part of speech (or word class) that describes an action or occurrence or indicates a state of being. But just when is a word a verb? Generally, it makes more sense to define a verb by what it does than by what it is. Just as the same word (rain or snow, for example) can serve as either a noun or a verb, the same verb can play various roles depending on how its used. Put simply, verbs move our sentences along in many different ways. Here, by identifying 10 types of verbs, well briefly consider some of their more common functions.   Auxiliary Verbs and Lexical Verbs An auxiliary verb (also known as a helping verb) determines the mood or tense of another verb in a phrase. In the sentence It will rain tonight, for example, the verb will helps the verb rain by pointing to the future. The primary auxiliaries are  the various forms of be, have, and do. The modal auxiliaries include can, could, may, must, should, will, and would. A lexical verb (also known as a full or main verb) is any verb in English that isnt an auxiliary verb: it conveys a real meaning and doesnt depend on another verb: It rained all night. Dynamic Verbs and Stative Verbs A dynamic verb indicates an action, process, or sensation: I bought a new guitar. A stative verb (such as be, have, know, like, own, and seem) describes a state, situation, or condition: Now I own a Gibson Explorer. Finite Verbs and Nonfinite Verbs A finite verb expresses tense and can occur on its own in a main clause: She walked to school. A nonfinite verb (an infinitive or participle) doesnt show a distinction in tense and can occur on its own only in a dependent phrase or clause: While walking to school, she spotted a bluejay. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs A regular verb (also known as a weak verb) forms its past tense and past participle by adding -d or -ed (or in some cases -t) to the base form: We finished the project.   An irregular verb (also known as a strong verb) doesnt form the past tense by adding -d or -ed: Gus ate the wrapper on his candy bar.   Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs A transitive verb is followed by a direct object: She sells seashells. An intransitive verb doesnt take a direct object: She sat there quietly. (This distinction is especially tricky because many verbs have both transitive and intransitive functions.) Does that cover everything verbs can do? Far from it. Causative verbs, for example, show that some person or thing helps to make something happen. Catenative verbs join with other verbs to form a chain or series. Copular verbs link the subject of a sentence to its complement. Then there are performative verbs, mental-state verbs,  prepositional verbs, iteratives, and reporting verbs. And we havent even touched on the passive or the subjunctive. But you get the idea. Though they can get tense and moody, verbs are hard-working parts of speech, and we can count on them to make things happen in many different ways. * Stephen Pinker, The Stuff of Thought. Viking, 2007​

Saturday, October 19, 2019

High Underage Married and Divorce rates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

High Underage Married and Divorce rates - Essay Example The increase in the number of underage marriages has translated into a similar increase in the rates of divorce in the U.S. The divorce rate in the U.S. is very high and it is directly linked to the high rate of underage marriage. Underage marriage and divorce rates According to the National healthy Marriage Resource Center, most young teenagers and people in their young youth are getting into marriage with the aim of creating a future with their spouses. None of them plans to be involved in a divorce. While there is no way of predicting the future, past statistics have revealed that the majority of the underage marriage unions end in divorce after the first several years. Most teenagers are entering into marriage as an experimental game. They lack the knowledge of the true meaning of marriage; hence they are unable to stick with their partners when reality finally hits them. Underage marriages in the US are very peculiar since the teenagers who get married mostly live apart from eac h other. This is mainly because they are not financially stable and they have to continue relying on their parents (Lehrer 466). Statistics from surveys reveals that the teenagers in the age bracket of 15-17 years have increasingly been entering into their first marriage. The teenagers are entering into marriage with the consent of their parents and they are very excited to tie the knot with their first loves. 1% of all the teenagers in this bracket in America are married. Those in the bracket of 18-19 are even more in the married category. This bracket is made up of teenagers in college and in the universities where the rate of marriage is in an increasing trend. Most of the teenagers in various America universities get married even without the consent of their parents since the law allows it. The number of annual underage marriages is alarming increasing and the laws governing marriageable ages in different states keep lowering the age limit. In majority of the states, 16 years is the legal marriageable age but lower ages can also be permitted by the court to marry with the consent of their parents or guardians (Lehrer 469). The divorce rate in the US has been on an increasing trend for the past several decades. Most researchers have concluded that 50% of all marriages in the US end up in divorce. The high increase in the divorce rates can be linked to the similar increase in underage marriages. The young couples who get married do not last more than two years together in most of the cases. Divorce researchers have found that the average age of those who file for divorce is 20 years. Young adults make up the largest number of divorce cases in the US. Most of them blame it on the early age that they got into married at. The divorce rate in the US for persons under the age of 20 years is 27.6% for the females and 11.7% for the males. This reveals that females are the worst affected by the rising rate of underage marriage (Lehrer 469-470). Figure 1. Pie chart r epresentation of the marriage rate for those under 20 years. Analysis Among the reasons why underage marriages are on a high trend nowadays is the fact that the present teens in the society are very sexually active. Most teenagers engage in their first sexual encounter at the age of 15. More often than not, the children do not have the knowledge on how to use the various forms of contraceptives that are available. This leads to

Free topic Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Free topic - Research Proposal Example Already established mobile network providers such as Verizon Wireless, AT&T and T-Mobile are considered first by customers who want to use mobile phones (Scollon, 2011). This, therefore, in a way, leaves a monopolistic advantage to these network providers. They dictate prices in the mobile network industry, which is, at times, on the higher side. Since they do not face any worthy competition from other players in this field, or the competition is minimal, they can continue dictating their prices, leaning towards the higher side. However, if a player or many players managed to enter this market effectively, it would force the already established players to ease their tariffs in order to counter the competition they face (Simmons, 2010). Mobile network providers entering this market should look to market their brands effectively through various mediums such as the social media and other promotion platforms in order effectively to build their brand. This will ensure that the prices are eased by the already present players in order to beat the completion brought by the newcomers (McCarthy,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tchaikovsky and Women in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tchaikovsky and Women in Art - Essay Example This ballet is a fairy tale story. The music accompanied within this ballet is believed to be one of Tchaikovsky’s best creations as it is a combination of Russian and western music influences, while the subject matter is that of poetry in motion (Kisselgoff 1). Enthusiasm and warmth were the motivations behind writing the piece. In addition, sleeping beauty has been the second most popular ballet of the imperial production and has been performed 200 times in 10 years. Art during the 18th and 19th century had no room for female painter. During that period, professional recognition and art education remained unequal and separate to that of their male counterparts. It was not until the subsequent half of the 19th century that women artists made significant progress, especially in France and in turn, art schools opened up their doors to women. While in the United States women, artists gradually became noticeable by way of winning awards (nmwa 1). They began to take part in exhibitions, and started teaching. In addition, they also began to travel overseas while their works acted as conduits for printmaking, new styles of painting and photography. Tchaikovsky is one of the most treasured composers in history. A master artisan of orchestration and melody, his composition was astonishing and his musical styles ranged from concertos to ballet scores and symphonies, and he was able to write and portray detailed moods and feelings. His works were legendary. He surely was the greatest master of classical ballet. Tchaikovsky achieved huge popularity with a broad audience, mainly through his emotional

Women and science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Women and science - Essay Example Ada Byron of the United Kingdom is hailed as the creator of the world’s first computer software programme. She was born in December 1815 to the famous English poet Lord George Gordon Byron and Lady Annabella Byron. There were 4 momentous events in her life that propelled Ada to scientific distinction.2 The first event was the split up between her parents. Lady Byron legally separated from her husband just 5 weeks after the birth of Ada. The court granted her sole custody of the child. Free from her husband’s influence, Lady Byron {who secretly dreaded that Ada would take up poetry like her father}, encouraged her daughter to become a mathematician and a scientist. The second and third momentous events were the advent of 2 persons into Ada’s life: Mary Somerville and Charles Babbage. Mary was a brilliant woman who translated the works of French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace. Her translated texts were widely used at Cambridge. Mary motivated 17- year old Ada to study mathematics deeply. Ada met Charles Babbage during a dinner party in 1834. Charles was an English mathematician, philosopher and mechanical engineer. She was very interested in his pet project called the ‘Analytical Engine’ {which turned out to be the predecessor of the modern computer}. Charles’ contention that the Analytical Engine could be made not only to foresee but also act on such foresight ignited a spark in Ada Byron that would precipitate her to scientific fame.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Toyota Motor Manufacturing and its Problems Essay

Toyota Motor Manufacturing and its Problems - Essay Example In terms of purchasing, the seat made up the highest expenses of all purchased parts. The fabric made up almost half of its $740 cost (Mishina & Takeda, 2015). As a result, the company wishes to find out the immediate actions that should be taken so as to address the Camry seat problem. The company also wishes to examine whether the current method of handling seat defects that are the TMM method has been in line with the Toyota Production System’s philosophy. When the Toyota Motor Manufacturing was established in 1988 in Georgetown, the plant had a sole objective of producing 200,000 Camry seats that would replace the bulk of similar model imports from Japan. Toyota has an objective of providing cheaper and better cars for more people meaning that the company has to produce cars that meet the wide range of customer preferences with minimal flaws. The company also has to provide vehicles with perfect timing and at an affordable price. As Toyota was forced to cut its cost dramatically without large economies of scale compared to the American firms, the company needed a new source of economies in order to satisfy its customers with a wide variety, timeliness and quality at a reasonable price (Mishina &Takeda, 2015). The Toyota Production system, therefore, evolved as an answer to this challenge through eliminating wastes. The Toyota Motor Manufacturing sole supplier for seats was the Kentucky Framed Seat. As the cars went down the TMM’s assembly line, the seat assembly pieces in KFS had to do the same with the matching pieces emerging at one end fully inspected. A truckload of the fifty-eight seats would then arrive at TMM after thirty minutes. Upon reaching TMM, the seats would be offloaded to the staging line that was not big enough to accommodate the whole truckload. The seats, therefore, had to have to wait in the specific line until a space in the overhead conveyor. The conveyor line is  synchronized with the assembly line and runs above a panel of steel mesh that protects the cars and people below. The seats travel a quarter of a kilometer to the Final 1 which has the rear seat loading workstation.

Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Property Law - Essay Example Therefore only a genuine owner of a property can actually sell, transfer or dispose of it1 and this suggests that Colonel Cadwallader is the person with the right to sell the violin, not Bill Sykes. The same principle is also stated reiterated in the law regarding sales2 so that a buyer who purchases a property from a seller who does not have necessary authority from the actual owner, or an acquired consent from the real owner after the sale has been finalized, does not acquire a valid title over the property just purchased. Therefore, you will note that at the outset, there appears to be a possibility that since Lady Fotherington Thomas has not acquired the property from the actual owner, the principle of nemo dat quod non habet may well apply to this case to render the sale invalid. However, it must also be established that Bill Sykes did not have a valid authorization from Colonel Cadwallader to sell the violin. In this case, the title on the property that Bill Sykes has acquired through fraudulently posing as someone else is voidable under law.3 But if the voidable title is not avoided by the actual owner before the latter sells it to a third party, then there is a holding out, in which case the new buyer acquires valid title to the property.4 Therefore it would appear that since Colonel Cadwallader has not avoided the voidable title before Bill Sykes has sold it to the violin dealer and Lady Fotherington-Thomas, therefore she does acquire valid title to the property. We may also find support for this position in the law in the form of the rights of buyers in possession5 and Lady Fotherington Thomas may be entitled to retain possession on three grounds (a) Bill Sykes initially obtained possession of the Stradivirus with the consent of the colonel and (b) she received the property in good faith and without receiving notice of liens possessed by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Toyota Motor Manufacturing and its Problems Essay

Toyota Motor Manufacturing and its Problems - Essay Example In terms of purchasing, the seat made up the highest expenses of all purchased parts. The fabric made up almost half of its $740 cost (Mishina & Takeda, 2015). As a result, the company wishes to find out the immediate actions that should be taken so as to address the Camry seat problem. The company also wishes to examine whether the current method of handling seat defects that are the TMM method has been in line with the Toyota Production System’s philosophy. When the Toyota Motor Manufacturing was established in 1988 in Georgetown, the plant had a sole objective of producing 200,000 Camry seats that would replace the bulk of similar model imports from Japan. Toyota has an objective of providing cheaper and better cars for more people meaning that the company has to produce cars that meet the wide range of customer preferences with minimal flaws. The company also has to provide vehicles with perfect timing and at an affordable price. As Toyota was forced to cut its cost dramatically without large economies of scale compared to the American firms, the company needed a new source of economies in order to satisfy its customers with a wide variety, timeliness and quality at a reasonable price (Mishina &Takeda, 2015). The Toyota Production system, therefore, evolved as an answer to this challenge through eliminating wastes. The Toyota Motor Manufacturing sole supplier for seats was the Kentucky Framed Seat. As the cars went down the TMM’s assembly line, the seat assembly pieces in KFS had to do the same with the matching pieces emerging at one end fully inspected. A truckload of the fifty-eight seats would then arrive at TMM after thirty minutes. Upon reaching TMM, the seats would be offloaded to the staging line that was not big enough to accommodate the whole truckload. The seats, therefore, had to have to wait in the specific line until a space in the overhead conveyor. The conveyor line is  synchronized with the assembly line and runs above a panel of steel mesh that protects the cars and people below. The seats travel a quarter of a kilometer to the Final 1 which has the rear seat loading workstation.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper Essay

Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper - Essay Example The disease has subjected him to continuous medication and treatment services that are costly and time consuming (Esselstyn, 2007). The disease has also compromised his social, economic and psychological capacity. This has been affecting his self-ego and esteem. These are fundamental elements for effective human development. The patient has experienced heart failure on a single occasion in the year 2012. Consequently, David increased the dosage and vigor of medication. The patient has been taking Asprins, Beta-blockers and Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors designed for coronary heart failures and will continue until his status improves. David has also been subjected to continuous therapeutic nursing care services. It is highly likely that David will need such services for a lengthy period until the disease heals completely. Health status, support and perceived barriers David’s health status is currently improving due to the medical assistance available to him. His rampant chest discomfort has been reducing because he is not exposed to the potential risk factors. Consequently, his rapid pulse rate and prolonged breath complications that used to affect him have been treated using Calcium channel blockers (Esselstyn, 2007). Consequently, David can perform several tasks making him hopeful. This has enabled him to realize the power of friends and medical officials in his medication process. Various individuals including his friends, doctors and community members in the state have been treating him with care. These individuals are instrumental because they allow him to recuperate and ensure that necessary support is available. As noted, the friends and other concerned parties have been supporting him with material, spiritual and physical assistance. The incentives are to make him regain his potential and recuperate faster. However, various barrier s compromise the effectiveness of the initiatives. These barriers include lack of adequate resources, poor diet and effective prevention of preventing atherosclerosis Chief complaint (CC) and History of present illness (HPI) The Chief Complain during the time of the interview included chest pain compounded with the shortness of breath. It is crucial to highlight that David has been taking Asprins to address the chest pain. However, the shortness of breath has not been fully addressed. David attributes his illness to high blood pressure, tobacco smoking, atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels. Indeed, atherosclerosis is the leading cause that attack individuals from childhood (Gregson, 2001). The disease hides in the body cells and pronounces itself at maturity stage. This high risk factor is what exposed David to coronary complications at his age. Its

Monday, October 14, 2019

Response to Buckley Essay Essay Example for Free

Response to Buckley Essay Essay According to William F. Buckley, American people everywhere have refrained from Trying to rectify irrational vexations (32). In Buckley essay, Why Dont We Complain? he explains some situations that he was involved in where no one would complain to repair an uncomfortable situation. Through out the essay, Buckley gives three reasons why he believes that the American people do not complain. I agree strongly with Buckley theories. I think that American people do not complain in situations where a complaint is needed. The first theory that he stated is that everyone expects someone else to complain (33). One of the worst ways to solve a dilemma is to expect someone else to do it prior to you. Situations come up all the time where someone is needed to stand out above the rest of the people to get the problem solved. However, what if no one is willing to be the one who attempts to solve the situation? Does this mean the situation will not get fixed? I believe this type of situation happens more than people notice. Expecting someone else to solve the problem was one of the powerful points I felt that Buckley explained in his essay. An example that he used demonstrated this point very well. He was on a train where the temperature was very uncomfortable. It was 85 degrees in the train when the temperature was below freezing outside. He knew that everyone was suffering from the heat, including himself, but no one asked to get the temperature altered (31-32). He then stated this is because people have given up trying to rectify irrational vexations (32). They expect someone else to complain about an unpleasant situation. One example that I recall where this had occurred to me was at work while I was putting in place underground cable. It was an extremely hot day and a very hard day of work. By 4:00 in the afternoon, the water cooler was empty and I was very thirsty. I thought that everyone else was dehydrated also, so I did not pronounce anything to foreman about the empty cooler. By the end of the long day, around 9:00 at night, it was time to go home. Over that entire period, the water cooler never was filled because everyone expected someone else to tell the foreman, who was not accepted by many of my co-workers. The second theory that Buckley used is that people are afraid to state their mind (33). Are people apprehensive to complain? Buckley thinks that people can be afraid to complain. He stated that we are all increasingly anxious in America to be unobtrusive, we are reluctant to make our voices heard, hesitant about claiming our rights; we are afraid that our cause is unjust, or that if it is not unjust, that it is ambiguous, or if not even that, that it is too trivial to justify the horrors of a confrontation with Authority (33). I feel that people sometimes can be scared to fight for their cause. They are afraid what result may come from it. Sometimes I am worried to complain. I think that the cause is not worth the complaint or I may be terrified of what someone may think of me if I complain. An example that I recall where I was afraid to complain happened to me just recently. I took my truck in to a repair shop to get some work done on it. I would call every day to see if it was done, but each time I spoke to the service guy, he would tell me that the mechanic could not find the problem. He placed many new parts in my truck and still did not solve the problem. After two weeks of work, I got my truck back. It was merely a simple problem the mechanic could not locate because of his inexperience. I wanted to complain about the time-consuming service and the lousy mechanic, but I thought that maybe it was unjust because they were busy. I agree with the theory that Buckley includes because I can think of many times where I have felt this way. Should people be afraid to complain or should they always be free minded about an unjust cause? The third point that was made in the essay by Buckley states that the high-powered government is taking rights away from the people. He states, very year, whether the Republican or the Democratic Party is in office, more and more power drains away from the individual to feed vast reservoirs in far-off places; and we have less and less say about the shape of events which shape our future (36). He also says that we accept the government power to hold upon us (36). The government is responsible for the great number of American deaths in Korea and is now responsible for billions of tax dollars spent every year. However, only a few Americans are willing to stand up against the government and strive for what they feel is right. Is this because of the high-powered government? I feel that this may result in  decreasing complaints, but I do not agree completely. The government may have a lot of power over America but I think that Buckley other points support his case stronger. After analyzing Buckley essay, I started to focus on situations like those that he used as examples in the essay. I found many of the same incidents that Buckley stated in the essay true. I thought that the reasons that he uses had significance in the essay. People are expecting someone else to complain, people being afraid, and people not complaining because of the government increase in power all seem like strong-based theories to me.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cant Help Falling in Love :: Music Romance Elvis Presley Essays

Can't Help Falling in Love Wise men say only fools rush in/ but I can't help falling in love with you/ Shall I stay/ would it be a sin/If I can't help falling in love with you/ Like a river flows surely to the sea/ Darling so it goes/ some things are meant to be/ take my hand, take my whole life too/ for I can't help falling in love with you/ Like a river flows surely to the sea/ Darling so it goes/ some things are meant to be/ take my hand, take my whole life too/ for I can't help falling in love with you/ for I can't help falling in love with you –Elvis Presley (1) Elvis may have been wise before his time, because research has found out that you cannot "help falling in love". (1) Many recording artists sing about love and how you cannot help the way you feel about someone when you are in love. Many researchers have done studies to find out what happens within the brain when you are in love and the results are interesting. Before one can understand the emotion of love, one must look at emotions themselves and what they do within the brain. Emotions: Emotions are defined as "stereotypic patterns of the body, which are triggered by the central nervous system in response to distinct external environmental situations or to the recollection of memories related to such situations." (2) In other words, this means the emotions are the way the nervous system reacts to different situations one might find themselves in. In order to survive, emotional responses must be present. (2) "Whenever an emotion is triggered, a network of brain regions (traditionally referred to as the limbic system) generates a pattern of stereotypic outputs, which ultimately induce a biological response of the body." (2) These stereotypic outputs are what humans call emotions. They are predictable responses to certain situations, for instance when a person is in a sad situation, they will cry and feel depressed or if a person is in a happy situation, they will laugh and smile. These responses are because "specific circuits of the emotional motor system have ev olved to both generate this stereotypic emotional facial response, as well as instantaneously recognize it when it occurs in somebody else." (2) This holds true for people in love, when you see someone in love you can tell because their face tells all.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Issue Of Sport :: essays research papers

The Issue of Sport The material I have studied for the Issue of Sport has helped me understand more about living in our contemporary world. The film and the screenplay "Strictly Ballroom" along with newspaper articles and the television documentary on Sport made me understand why sport is important in our society. Sport involves many things such as competition, dirty tactics, personal achievement and sport officials. Firstly, whenever there is sport, there is competition. There is competition for all levels of sport. Some people thive on competition while others are just testing their own limitations. Competition is both good and bad for our society; it brings out the best and the worst in people. If there is competition it makes people strive harder to do the best they can. But it can also lead to dirty tactics, drugs or violence. In the screenplay "Strictly Ballroom", dirty tactics were used due to the competitive pressure. At the State Final Championship Scott and Liz were blocked by Ken Railings and Pam Short. It was also unfair competition, Barry Fife (The Dance Ferderation President) was being dishonest. Wayne overheard Barry setting it up so that Scott didn't win the Pan Pacific Grand Prix. The Sport weekly magazine article " Shirley knows her tables" printed on 14th May, 1996 dicusses her determination and preparation for the competition in the 2000 Olympics game. Every game have different levels of competion and also the bigger the prizes, the more competitive. Shirley trains very hard and knows it is very competitive at the Olympics. Secondly people can personal achievement from sport. Sportspersons are satisfied that is they have performed to their expectations. Personal achievement is doing the best you can or setting up goals and fulfilling them by winning. It helps to lift the spirits and the motivation of a person's mind. Family support is also important to a person's success. In "Strictly Ballroom", Scott and Fran achieved some goals such as the time Fran asked Scott to dance with her and he eventually agreed. They showed their individuality and are very determined non- conformists. They dance for the enjoyment of it. Both of them have the same dreams. But Scott's personal achievement is different from Fran's. He grew up expecting to win the Pan Pacifics. Fran and Scott fulfilled their ambition and are satisfied by merely being able to dance their own steps. The newspaper article "Straight into the record books" from The Sydney Morning Herald published on 6th Febrary 1996 demonstrated personal achievement of Tammy van Wisse, the first person to swim Bass Strait. Her individuality and

Friday, October 11, 2019

Black man and white women Essay

Black man and white women in dark green row boat The story â€Å"Black Man and White Women in Dark Green Rowboat†, written by Russell Banks, is about an interracial relationship on the brink of disaster. The story opens up on an extremely hot day in August at a trailer park that is right next to a lake with a variety of people who live there. I was not immediately aware that the black man and the white woman were the focus of the story, but those characters gradually emerged and that’s when things started to get interesting. It becomes very obvious that white women want to control everything in the relationship and doesn’t iew the black man as an equal partner. Before they meet at the beach, the white women walks up in her bikini holding her towel, fashion magazine, and tanning lotion with her blonde hair swinging side to side. I automatically start to view her as an egotistical person. When the white women encounters the black man at the beach, she helps him push the boat to the water, but instead of helping him push the boat all the way from shore, she hops in it before her feet had even got wet. He was left to not only push the boat himself, rolling his pant legs up, but also pushing her in it as well. While he is rowing the boat he realizes he didn’t bring a hat and he is sweating. He wraps his shirt around his head and she explains to him that he looks like a sheik and a galley slave. To me this shows how she thinks of him as her own romanticized slave that she can control. She even reassures him that she was not kidding by saying â€Å"no really. Honestly’. (68). The man continues to row and she says she’s starting to put on weight and then she tells the man that she told her mother about them and their situation, but she never looked at him when she was talking to him. Her eyes were closed and directed oward the sun. She isn’t treating him like she cares; she is Just caring on with her sun bathing. Then she tells him that she is going to have an abortion that afternoon. She does this without even asking the man if that’s what he wants to do. Even after he expresses hatred towards the situation and basically tells her he wants her to keep the baby she doesn’t listen. She Just insists that everything will return to normal when it’s done. He asks her what happened and she brushes the question off and explains her mother is 0k with him. You can tell he cares about her mother’s opinion f him as he wants the reassurance that her mother actually likes him. The woman explains her mother Just thinks she is fragile from depression. Honestly I feel like the women had had other abortions and Just didn’t want to be honest with the man. After some time had passed, the woman asks him how long he was going to fish. He tells her about an hour and offers to row her to a swimming spot if she would rather swim. She turns down the offer and makes appoint to mention the fact that she has to be back in time to make it to her abortion later that afternoon; again aking it known she is making this decision on ner own. The women sta rts looking through her magazine while the man continued for a few more casts then he finally gave up and said, â€Å"No sense fishing when the fish ain’t feeding. The whole point is catching fish, right? † (71). This is the man’s turning point. I think he realized that the relationship he was in was kind of like fishing, there was no point in him being with her if she didn’t want to move on to the next level. Before rowing back into shore, he said he wished he could Just leave here there. She gets very nervous when he said hat and tells him they have to go back. That’s when the man decided that it was time to move on with his life and he said, â€Å"You mean, you have to go back. † (71). He rows back and all the people are carrying on like they were before except now things are changing for them. The White woman goes with her towel and magazine to have her abortion and back to living with her mother, while the Black man goes on his own separate way while watching the women leave.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Religion and So-called German Christians Essay

Religion continues to be one of the most influential forces in the world. It has been seen to provide great peace and harmony to believers, but it has also been the cause if not an actual reason for some of history’s greatest wars. It can be used as justification from leaders of war, can it also serve as an instrument of resolution as well? Religion has come to be a much stronger force than any material incentives. It is far better at directing positive behaviour towards social betterment than any laws or physical force. For instance, Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr conducted non-violent protests based upon religious beliefs. Religion can also be used to help bring people together as they are more willing to work together. By contrast, places that reject religion, such as Revolutionary France, communist Russia and China, or Nazi Germany are often very brutally oppressive. However, it is not always the case. For example, Iran: a country where religion is so prevalent is equally as oppressive as these countries. Incidentally, religion can be very dangerous because it can and has been used to justify horrific acts. Crusaders not only killed many Muslims, they also massacred many Jews and Eastern Christians in the process of attempting to win control of the Holy Land. Adolf Hitler’s followers – among them the so-called German Christians – were believers in their Fuhrer. The Inquisition carried out its torture in the name of God. Religion should never be involved in politics because it can then be used as an instrument of control. However, in places where religion develops freely and people have free access to places of worship, it provides people with a sense of hope, praying serves as therapy and members of a congregation feel a sense of community and friendship. Some of the greatest works of art were created in the name of God. Furthermore, Woodrow Wilson suggested that a strong affinity exists between religious commitment and patriotism. Love of country, just like the love of God certainly inspires good deeds but not always. Furthermore, religion may have led to the creation of the world’s finest art, but it has also caused its destruction. Religion can be a source of extreme nationalism. In Christianity, Islam and Judaism, God is described as â€Å"mighty warrior, â€Å"just king† and â€Å"righteous judge.† He apparently punished the unjust, the unrighteous and the disobedient. The idea that a nation is the instrument of God’s will has led to war and the subjugation of people viewed as ungodly. Fundamentalism clouds everything. There is a need to be right and superior, which develops an ego and once we fall foul to it, we are lost. Conversely, biblical commandments are the basis of Western ethical and legal systems. It has seen to teach us tolerance for people with other beliefs and opinions. Usually believers are more peaceful, law-abiding and tolerant than the non-believers in the world. Some people need it psychologically and without it may step to extremism such as suicide or anarchy. However, some live in a delusion and in a constant state of intellectual dishonesty. Some people, who are so far devout in their own beliefs, use them to beat other beliefs and religious groups into submission. Religions like Islam justify ‘holy’ wars against the unfaithful, meaning those of other religions. This can also be seen in the violence of the crusades launched by Christians in the medieval period and by later wars between Protestant and Catholic. Religious conviction like the extremist Hindu groups against Christians and Muslims in India has paved the way for the terrorist attacks in New York City on September eleventh 2001. Religious clashes have led to some of the most heinous human behaviour in recorded history. Western states grew as a result of religion and religious philosophy. Western European and North American societies are still based on Protestant ideals of diligence, thrift and moderation. The very existence of theocratic state, proves that governments in these states are much more stable than regimes in secular countries because leaders are viewed as appointed by God. Political stability, in turn, leads to economic welfare. Despite this, Theocratic states become totalitarian regimes because they are based upon obedience to a ruler who is seen as God’s representative rather than a democratic constitution. They may be stable but they are not essentially concerned with their people’s welfare. By prioritising religious imperatives over economic development and by their intolerance of the questionable types who drive economic process states like Iran have become corrupt, authoritarian and poor. In conclusion, I believe that religion provides many opportunities and hope for those who have nothing else to turn to, it helps bring unity and sometimes peace into communities. However, I also believe that it has become a perversion of the redemptive message of Jesus, by so-called devout humans using their beliefs to ruin and destroy the lives of many others. I myself am agnostic and am very open-minded.